Saturday, August 1, 2009

Marriage Counseling - 7 Tips That Will Guarantee a Successful Marriage in 2009

Every year we tell ourselves we are going to work on our marriage. We want to see improvements and we want them to be lasting.

As the New Year feeling wears off we find ourselves doing the same things, treating each other the same way, and experiencing the same troubles.

Well, we have come up with seven tips that can help you have a successful 2009. The only catch to it working for you is ensuring that every three months you make a commitment to go them over to ensure that you are remaining on the right path.

Be Willing to Start Over
A new year is filled with new opportunities. Your marriage is one year older, you are one year older and you should be one year wiser. Some couples just need to decide to put the past behind them and get a new beginning.

I do not know which couple has never experienced difficult times in their marriage. However, the difference with those marriages that succeed and those that fail is a decision to turn the page; to erase all the hurts and mistakes. Doing this will not be easy, but it is essential if you want to have a great year.

Become Goal Oriented
Set yourself specific goals for this year. But before doing so take some time and discuss the future with your spouse. You do not want to know that both of you want to achieve opposing things that will cause discord in the future.

Be Willing To Grow
Every year we should be growing in our maturity, love for each other and wisdom. You cannot carry the same bad habits you had in 2008, especially if they contributed to a troubled marriage. You may need to stop: drinking, nagging, bickering, fighting, cursing, lying, stealing, cheating, getting upset so easily, being unreliable and uncommunicative.

You may need to make your own list of areas you need to grow in or things you need to stop doing. Every thing is a decision away. What will be your decision?

Become a Good Listener
Has your spouse ever complained that you do not listen to them? Well, chances are it could be true. Decide to become a better listener in 2009.

If you have been struggling with this for quite a while, then maybe you need to get some books or audios that can help you. I think most people do not change because they accept certain things as a part of their character, not knowing that they determine their character.

Be Willing to Enjoy Life
Ecclesiastes chapter six and verse seven tells us that, "All man's efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied".

I totally agree with this passage because no matter how hard we work to provide for our families, we will never be fully satisfied. We may tell ourselves that things will be better when we are debt free, own our own home or buy a new car. But sooner or later when we will become accustomed to what we have, we will be longing for more.

My recommendation to you is enjoy what you already have. Have fun with your family. Decide to take that family vacation you have been putting off, decide to go on that cruise with your spouse for your next anniversary, spend more time at home with your family and cut back on the time you spend at work. I know that times are difficult, but if you are determined to make it happen, it will happen.

Become More Spiritual
You may not be a spiritual individual and you have noticed that your values have been sliding. That you compromise on issues that you once held dear. Decide that this year you will become a more spiritual being.

Choose to take the right path over the path that has been leading you to no where. Spend time imparting good moral values to your children. Stop being one of those parents who say, "Do what I say but do not do what I do".

Be the Best Spouse that You can be
It is time that you stop settling for less. We all have it in us to be a better spouse.
For 2009, be unwavering and committed that no matter what happens your marriage will be the best it has been in years, because you were willing to be a better wife or a better husband.

Finally, I want you to take your spouse along with you for this exciting journey. If both of you are dedicated to the plan, then the plan will stand a better chance of succeeding.

About The Authors:

Mark and Lesia Gregory are Marriage Counselors & Wedding Planners with over 10 years of experience. They are the authors of: "The Marriage Thermometer - Let's get your marriage steaming hot; "Improve Your Sex Life; "Keep Him Satisfied......At Home and "The Wife Toolkit - 12 heavy duty tools to keep your wife happy.

Let them help you improve your marriage starting this week:

Do you want to have a passionate and steaming hot marriage? Life is too short to spend it wishing things were different when you can do something about it. Get your FREE Marriage Ecourse Today!

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