Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Simple Tips For a Happy Marriage - Making Your Relationship Last Long

A happy marriage is one of the best things you can have in life. There may be misunderstandings and trials but if you can overcome these and make a healthy relationship with your spouse, you can be able to build a great marriage and a great life for both of you and your children.

Making your marriage work may come from simple deeds that you do each day, including things that you choose not to do or say. If you are looking for tips for a happy marriage, below are some suggestions that can be your first steps in building a happy and fulfilling married life.

* Talk and cuddle. Talking to your spouse is one great way to let him know what you like and what he likes. Do no only talk to complain. Talk to him about your day and your plans. Maintain an open communication line with your partner.

* Give time for each other. Give a little time for each other each day and schedule some activity together on weekends. If you cannot be together, don't forget to get in touch.

* Agree to avoid fights. Tell your partner how you hate fighting and getting angry. If he feels the same, you can then have an 'automatic switch' on your mind not to pick a fight but to talk calmly about it next time. Often works for me!

* Don't stop saying I love you. If you don't say it often, you will soon forget about it and you will just end up assuming that you really both love each other. Showing your spouse that you love him is often best when you also tell him how much you love him.

* Tease him. Find various ways to be passionate about him. Sex is an essential part of married life and making various ways to enjoy that aspect of marriage is one way to make great relationships with your spouse.

* Listen. Listening is one of the best tips for a happy marriage, as it is appreciated very well in marriage. Try to listen to your partner. Know their needs and know what you can do about it.

* Do not raise your voice, accuse or curse him. Anger may go out of hand but cultivate the habit of not cursing or yelling when you are angry. Words may cause irreparable damage to your partner's feelings.

* Go to church. Build your spiritual lives together and ask guidance in making your relationship work.

* Build friendship. Have fun together, enjoy doing things together and talk to each other about just anything that you want to talk about. If you can be friends with your spouse, you can also build a great partnership in marriage.

* Do not lie. Having secrets with your partner may block open communication and cause doubts in your partner's mind. The trust that you have built over time can be ruined forever with a simple lie.

* If you want your partner to be nice to you, be nice to him. Kindness begets kindness.

* Respect each other's differences. There are of course things that you will never agree with your partner. If it is something that you can put up with, sacrifice a little. Both of you should learn to compromise at times. Respect is indeed one of the best tips for a happy marriage and a successful relationship.

* Enjoy laughter together. Laughter brings out positive energy in you. A happy marriage indeed is a relationship that you can laugh together and forget about the problems in the world.

Revealed! Secrets to a Happy Marriage - 2

Do you know that your marriage could have been saved the troubles if only you had taken time to work at it? To make a success of your marriage you cannot afford to ignore these tips.

Tell you what? You can still make a success of your marriage. You only need to follow these tips below for you to restore happiness back to your home.


This is one of the most crucial ingredient to success in any marriage. Before marriage, couples often talk a lot more. But this soon diminishes after the wedding celebrations. Efforts must be made to ensure that communication continues throughout the marriage. That way both partners will learn from each other, taking time to share their thoughts and feelings.Most marriages fail because of a lack of or wrong communication. Exchanging views with one another should not be an opportunity for arguing, raising ones voice above the other or fighting. This is not communication! Nothing productive ever comes out of this, and no room should be giving to this at all costs.

Learn To Apologize:

Most couples find it hard to say 'I am sorry' to the other. Frankly, if truly you want to save your home from collapse, it is not too much for you to apologize even when you know you are right. After nerves have calmed down you may then lovingly, with a spice of joke, poke at your spouse to see his or her mistakes or you may just ignore it and move on with life. Both must make a point to apologize immediately to each other. The couples should be extra careful of their tone and manner of presenting issues, as wives especially, can be sensitive to minor issues.

Avoid being emotional:

There is always the tendency to become easily edgy when matters are being discussed because somebody is looking at the issue from a personal perspective. Please do remember at all times that marriage is between two people, sharing the same goal and who should have the 100% concept contribution to make the union work, at the back of their mind. Look at issues from the point of how it can contribute positively to success of the home and influence the home rightly.

Show understanding:

For the marriage to move forward productively and in harmony, both must know what the other is thinking and be able to show understanding. Issues should never remain bottled up. Each should be a good listener, attempting to discern each other's needs and concerns.

Secrerts to a Happy Marriage, Revealed

Is a happy marriage possible? How would you respond to the question, "Would you want a happy marriage?" I am sure irrespective of the age, gender, background or financial muscle, the majority answer would be a resounding "Yes!

Sadly, many have neglected the attention marriage deserves. Yet many desire a happy and successful marriage, which has remained elusive, without inputting the ingredients required for it to work out.
In This second part of the article "Revealed! secrets To A Happy Marriage",the following are helpful and practical points for those who desire to develop a happy marriage.

100% Concept: Most couples begin marriage with the concept of each contributing 50%. Even those that have spent years in marriage also fall into this category. But would a small business be successful if each partner gave only a 50% effort? Whether it is a business or marriage, a 50/50 venture will fail. A successful marriage Should be based on both husband and wife putting all their effort into the relationship-each giving 100%! This is one of the best means of building a happy marriage.

No interference concept: Marriage is meant to be between the husband and wife, and no one else. Yet some, bring other family members into the marriage. Some choose to live at home with in-laws to save money. Others bring overbearing parents into marital matters. In either case, this can cause problems for any marriage. Both husband and wife must be completely focused on each other, building together a happy home.

Cooperation Concept: Husbands and wives are expected to cooperate in all aspects of marriage to be a leading light to the children. In a relay race, each leg must depend on the other to successfully perform their routine with each having a clearly defined move to assist in achieving victory. One must lead and one must follow. If one runner changes midstream, the routine will end in disaster. Likewise, marriage has visibly defined roles. If these are not followed, the marriage will experience hardship-and most likely end in failure.

Leadership Concept: Every marriage must have a leader, and this is the husband's responsibility. This does not mean the husband is better than the wife, or that the wife is inferior. This role does not entitle him to rule his family like a dictator. On the other hand, his leadership role is not a minor formality. God created the institution of marriage in a specific way, with strengths and skills that fit this structure endowed to both sexes. Real leaders make every effort to allow those under them to flourish.

Roles Concept: What is the husbands responsibility to his wife? He gives himself to his wife, loves her and ensures that most of her needs are provided within the husbands ability. This gives his wife the comfort and confidence that strengthens the entire relationship. By way of subtle encouragement, support and teaching, the husband will take the time to help his wife succeed.

Wives also have a vital role. They build and support the family in a variety of important ways. But because of the madness for independence and liberation, most do not understand the scope of the wife's role that a woman who is the ultimate help-mate. One who supports her husband and children. She shows sound judgment and cares for the family.She is a hard worker and frugal managing the family's finances well, under the husband's guidance; she strives for quality.

Will you pursue endless pleasure at the detriment of happiness in your home? You need to work out a way of happiness for your family. You can experience happiness in your marriage

How to Build a Happy Marriage Through Good Times & Bad

How to build a happy marriage is one of life's great challenges and many people would be quick to call it impossible with the incredibly high divorce rates. However not everyone is getting divorced and not everyone that is married is miserable either! So what are some of the key things these happy couples employ to keep things running well despite any hardships?

Friction is inevitable!

While they may seem to be happy all the time these people are not without conflict. There will always be friction in any relationship, from small issues to large ones this is inevitable so we cannot deny it. We can look to reduce it and deal with it when problems arise. Pretending it does not exist or believing that your marriage has to be without friction to be happy is a mistake many couples make leading to overwhelming expectations and an inability to recognize the real priorities of their marriage.

Take Charge of Your Happiness

Another tip on how to build a happy marriage is to realize that you are not responsible for your spouses happiness nor are they responsible for yours either. Together you can help and be supportive but you cannot be so interconnected that you are living each others miseries. Try to have a rich and full life as well as being loving and supportive because firstly it helps your personal happiness and secondly it makes you a more attractive person to your partner through the many long years of your marriage.

For more on how to stay happy in marriage you could stumble through it hoping for the best or you could get what we all really want; a guide to point the way! So if you want a short cut to marital bliss click below to find out how because it is never too late or too early to make your marriage stronger!

How to Create a Happy Marriage!

A Few Tips For a Happy Marriage

A lot of people seem to think that advice for a happy marriage is obvious. If this is true though, why are there so many unhappy marriages? When you are in a long term relationship, it can be difficult to look at the big picture. Because of this, it's time to take a look at some tips that can help rejuvenate your marriage.

First off, communicate with your partner! This is such an important tip. If your marriage does not have communication, then you are in big trouble. When I say communication, I don't mean arguing or yelling at each other. I mean turning off the TV, sitting down together, and talking to each other like two adults.

Second, if there are problems in your marriage, admit it! It can be easy to try and look past the fact there may be problems in your marriage. You may think that if you pretend everything is ok, then things will in fact turn out ok. This is not the way to handle problems in your marriage. You need to confront the problems in your marriage.

Third, the more you put into your marriage, the more your partner will put into the marriage as well! If you do everything you can to make your partner happy, chances are they will return the favor and put extra effort into the marriage to make sure you are happy as well. So don't be afraid to put a lot of effort into the marriage!

Finally, fixing a marriage does not mean trying to fix your partner. If there is a problem in the marriage, it is a problem with both of you. You can not try to change your partner in hopes of fixing the marriage. A marriage is a team effort, therefore, you both need to work together to fix whatever problems you may be having in the marriage. Don't just try to change your partner!

Good luck!

Keys to a Happy Marriage - Ways to Make a Happy Relationship With Your Spouse

You may have seen a lot of couples go into divorce and this might leave you wondering what exactly are the keys to a happy marriage. There may not be a single formula to make marriage successful, but you can do many ways to make your marriage work.

If you are looking for ideas to maintain the life in your relationship with your spouse, here are some tips and ideas that could be your keys to a happy marriage.

- Communication. Communication most probably plays the biggest role in marriages and one of the most important keys to a happy marriage. Being able to talk to your spouse in about just anything is one good thing in marriage. Stay connected. A simple text message or a simple call would do when you are out working.

- Accept your differences. Realize that no matter how compatible you are with your spouse, there are always differences that will arise.

- Look at what is best with your spouse, not into the negative qualities you discover about him. You have to understand that your spouse has negative and positive qualities, and you have to learn to appreciate what is good about your partner.

- Forget about changing the other person. Trying to change the person to fit to your standards will not help you achieve anything in marriage.

- Add variety to your daily life. Giving your partner a little surprise every now and then is also helpful in eliminating monotony in the relationship.

- Keep in mind that loving is giving. Do not always expect your spouse to do things for you, act the way you want them to be and give you all your desires. Instead, think of what you can do to him and what can make your spouse happy. Learn to give more than what your spouse gives you.

- Respect your spouse. Marrying someone does not mean owning her or him. Respect your partner's personal rights and be kind.

- Watch your thoughts as your thoughts can become your actions.

- Plan your finances together. Especially if it involves major decisions regarding the finances, always consult your partner.

- Give trust. Don't keep secrets from your spouse.

- Avoid criticism and nagging. Compliment if necessary. If there is something that you think that needs correcting, do it lovingly and do things positively as possible.

- Encourage one another. Giving each other support is one thing that spouses should do to each other rather than finding faults in each other.

- Keep the passion alive. Sex is an essential part of marriage. Be open when it comes to sexual matters. Add variety and enjoy the lovemaking.

- Have fun together. Marriage can become so boring if you can't even watch television together with your spouse or you haven't had a good laugh together. Find something that can both amuse you and your partner. Do something fun together.

- Do not stop telling your partner you love him or her. This may be as simple as it seems but it is one of the most important keys to a happy marriage.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who loves to share useful tips about love and relationships. To learn more about how to understand your husband and make a great marriage, check out What Husbands Can't Resist. Also check out Rousing the Lion, where you find great tips on how to seduce your man and keep him interested.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How to Make Your Husband Want to Come Home and Be With You - Advice For Wives

Have you ever wondered how to make your husband want to come home and be with you? Many of us feel a bit frustrated and rejected when our husband spends too much time with his friends or at work. It's also beyond unbearable if your husband has decided that he needs a bit of time away from you and is bunking with a friend or has taken to staying at a hotel. If you love your husband and you simply want to spend more time with him so you can rebuild the relationship, there are things you can do, on your own, to make that happen.
Learning how to make your husband want to come home begins with letting him go. As much as you want to nag your husband into spending more time with you, that's not going to work. Typically when a woman pressures a man into something he's going to resist. Sometimes in a relationship one partner just needs a bit of room and that can be very difficult for us, as women, to understand. Your husband will feel more respected and loved if you give him what he needs. Some time apart is not going to end the relationship. It actually may be enough to make him miss you.
Also, don't overlook the power of working on yourself if you're faced with a situation in which your husband isn't as interested or attentive as he once was. It's easy to want to work at changing your husband's mind by communicating verbally with him, but it may be worth it to try a more subtle approach. Think back to how you were when you two first married. He fell madly in love with you then. You need to work on rediscovering those qualities in yourself that he loved so much early in your marriage. Let him see for himself that you are still the same woman he wanted to spend his life with.
Specific things you do and say can compel your husband to appreciate and love you more. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause him to feel even more distant from you. You can make your husband fall even deeper in love with you than when you two first married.
You don't have to worry about whether your husband is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make him fall hopelessly in love with you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love With You All Over Again - Advice For Wives

If you've been wondering how to make your husband fall in love with you all over again, you're not alone. This is something many women think about after they've been married for sometime and the honeymoon phase has long since passed. Most women have undeniable intuition when it comes to their husbands and what they are feeling. If you internally know that your husband just isn't as crazy about you as he was when you two first met, you don't have to settle for that. There are ways you can reignite the desire he once felt for you and in fact, make him love you more now than he ever has before.
Learning how to make your husband fall in love with you all over again begins with accepting that, for now, things just aren't the same as they were. It's human nature to want to fix a problem in our relationship right away, but this isn't something that you can cure overnight. You need to not become overly emotional about this. Don't resort to begging him to talk about his feelings and don't cry in the hope that he'll suddenly fall back in love with you. He won't. What may happen is that you'll drive him farther away because he'll feel cornered by your emotions. Instead take the position that you're grateful that you know there's a problem and that you're going to fix it.
One way to address the problem and ensure that your husband does indeed fall back in love with you again is to think back to the early stages of your relationship. Inevitably we all change over time and those changes impact our relationships too. If you were more patient back when you two first met, try and rediscover that now. If you were passionate about your career, and you've let that slide in favor of being a wife and mother, consider taking on a part-time job again or going back to school to further your education. Show your husband, through your actions, that you are still the very same woman he fell in love with. Sometimes all a man needs is a trip down memory lane.
Specific things you do and say can compel your husband to appreciate and love you more. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause him to feel even more distant from you. You can make your husband fall even deeper in love with you than when you two first married.
You don't have to worry about whether your husband is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make him fall hopelessly in love with you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Keys to a Happy Marriage - Ways to Make a Happy Relationship With Your Spouse

You may have seen a lot of couples go into divorce and this might leave you wondering what exactly are the keys to a happy marriage. There may not be a single formula to make marriage successful, but you can do many ways to make your marriage work.

If you are looking for ideas to maintain the life in your relationship with your spouse, here are some tips and ideas that could be your keys to a happy marriage.

- Communication. Communication most probably plays the biggest role in marriages and one of the most important keys to a happy marriage. Being able to talk to your spouse in about just anything is one good thing in marriage. Stay connected. A simple text message or a simple call would do when you are out working.

- Accept your differences. Realize that no matter how compatible you are with your spouse, there are always differences that will arise.

- Look at what is best with your spouse, not into the negative qualities you discover about him. You have to understand that your spouse has negative and positive qualities, and you have to learn to appreciate what is good about your partner.

- Forget about changing the other person. Trying to change the person to fit to your standards will not help you achieve anything in marriage.

- Add variety to your daily life. Giving your partner a little surprise every now and then is also helpful in eliminating monotony in the relationship.

- Keep in mind that loving is giving. Do not always expect your spouse to do things for you, act the way you want them to be and give you all your desires. Instead, think of what you can do to him and what can make your spouse happy. Learn to give more than what your spouse gives you.

- Respect your spouse. Marrying someone does not mean owning her or him. Respect your partner's personal rights and be kind.

- Watch your thoughts as your thoughts can become your actions.

- Plan your finances together. Especially if it involves major decisions regarding the finances, always consult your partner.

- Give trust. Don't keep secrets from your spouse.

- Avoid criticism and nagging. Compliment if necessary. If there is something that you think that needs correcting, do it lovingly and do things positively as possible.

- Encourage one another. Giving each other support is one thing that spouses should do to each other rather than finding faults in each other.

- Keep the passion alive. Sex is an essential part of marriage. Be open when it comes to sexual matters. Add variety and enjoy the lovemaking.

- Have fun together. Marriage can become so boring if you can't even watch television together with your spouse or you haven't had a good laugh together. Find something that can both amuse you and your partner. Do something fun together.

- Do not stop telling your partner you love him or her. This may be as simple as it seems but it is one of the most important keys to a happy marriage.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who loves to share useful tips about love and relationships. To learn more about how to understand your husband and make a great marriage, check out What Husbands Can't Resist. Also check out Rousing the Lion, where you find great tips on how to seduce your man and keep him interested.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Delay in Detecting Signs of a Marriage in Trouble Can Cause a Permanent Split

Any one in a close relationship can sense trouble when things are not going right and a marriage in trouble is no exception. You gradually find that you have drifted apart from your spouse in more ways than one; you no longer enjoy doing things together; there are more frictions than happy moments when both of you are together and many more such repetitions plague your marriage in trouble. Many couples refrain talking openly about their marriage in trouble fearing unnecessary and unpleasant debates, arguments, justifications etc. But if you think that this troubled marriage can be repaired you should not delay taking some proactive steps. Delayed action here translates to a permanent split. However, there has to be very good reasons to repair a marriage in trouble, and true love and respect for each other are essential pre-requisites.
Perhaps the most common early sign of a marriage in trouble is a break in meaningful communication between the husband and wife. This communication gap usually snowballs into a total lack of understanding and empathizing between each other. You feel that every day you are starting life with a new person that you do not quite like. Distance grows till it cannot be bridged anymore. The first thing you need to admit if you were to save a marriage in trouble is that you are not flawless. There could be plenty of things that are wrong with you which could be causing pain and hurt in your relationship, resulting in the gradual break up. Communication between married couples, after a few years of marriage usually centers on finance or the kids. Is this happening to your marriage too? This is a sure sign of a marriage in trouble. Rectify it as soon as you can - keep some hours in a day or even the weekend free, where both of you can be together spending some quality time with each other. Be patient and listen to your spouse during these moments. Consciously make some topics taboo between the both of you if you find that they cause more anxiety and stress than anything else.
Marriage is a relationship which does not grow firm overnight; it is a tender sapling that takes years of caring and nurturing for it to flourish and exude happiness. Compromise might be a dirty word for many, but to save a marriage in trouble, perhaps this is the only key you have. Understanding each other's problems is one thing, but compromising your own priorities for the sake of someone you love is quite another. But to arrive at a mutually acceptable marital relationship, both of you need to extend your honest cooperation. Remember a marriage in trouble cannot be saved by you alone, no matter how strong you feel about your spouse. And to know about the kind of compromises that is needed to save the marriage in trouble, both of you need to talk and listen to each other.
Why is saving your marriage so important to you?
Because a good relationship is one of the most treasured of human interactions... especially good marriage. We all want to be loved. There are the great times together, the shared dreams and visions, the mutual likes and dislikes and more. Great relationships are essential for enjoying a good quality of life. They color everything else around us.
Losing a lover is one of the most emotionally traumatizing episodes in our life. Losing a spouse is even worse. It is amazing how the very thing that brings us the most pleasure also brings with it the most grief.
But don't give up on the love of your life yet. It is too early for this. You can still reverse the breakup and successfully reunite with your spouse. I will teach you how to bring back the passion into your marriage.
Please visit my site at http://www.LonelinessToHappiness.com/ to find out how you can get your spouse back in your life and make her or him fall in love with you again. These methods have been used by many with an extraordinary degree of success. You will be in good

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Simple Reason to Stay Married

Thirty plus years ago Paul Simon came out with a Number One song that is still sung today on Oldies Stations: "Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover." While the song had an interesting beat, catchy melody, and flowing words, it was not a song friendly towards those who thought that staying together was the only option. I daresay that many reading this have wanted to bail out of their marriage or other relationships much like Simon's "slip out the back, Jack," or "make a new plan, Stan."
Staying together is tough. Actually, if you think about it, marriages today are up against some very tough competition from Hollywood, both on and off screen. In a land where a marriage of five years is outstanding, not to mention rare, "hopping on the bus, Gus" doesn't make it easy for those of us who have made lifelong commitments. Actually, those in Hollywood made lifelong commitments also but somewhere along the way, divorce became way too easy. I'm probably a rare breed who thinks that pre-marital nuptials tells more about the person requesting it than anything. Do you have such little confidence in your ability to stay married that you need a piece of paper that will absolve you of responsibility when the time comes?
So, I'm going to give you one way to stay attached to your lover: because you told her you would when you married her. I know, it sounds simplistic and totally unrealistic, doesn't it? But does it work? Many in life do just that and they think nothing of it.
Johnny Carson said it a number of years ago, "If I had put into my marriages what I put into The Tonight Show, I would still be married."
Mort is a writer who enjoys the craft of writing about gads of things. One of his websites is located at Bamboo Placemats Another site of his discusses Fiestaware Plates

Marriage Problems Solved - Words to Use, Words to Avoid

ow long have you been struggling to solve marriage problems that have been hindering your happiness? More importantly, how much longer do you think you have until things completely fall apart and divorce is the only way out? If you are getting near the point of total desperation to fix your relationship, it is time to consider the way in which you are trying to communicate with one another.
The biggest differential between couples that are able to salvage a difficult marriage and those that end up in divorce often comes down to communication. While every couple believes they are communicating in an open and honest manner, they are in fact coming at one another in a very defensive, accusatory manner which puts the other up in arms instead of at ease.
Chances are you do the same thing on a regular basis without even realizing it! So many people say they just don't understand why their spouse won't open up and talk to them. What they don't realize is that they are shutting down that possibility by the tone of their voice or their choice of words when they initiate the conversation.
The problem is that there is such a surge of raw, painful emotion that lurks behind every conversation a struggling couple has. In order to push past this, you have to first recognize it is there. Then, you need new strategies to get your spouse to drop his/her guard and have a real conversation that can lead to healing action.
First, make sure to initiate conversations at a time that is convenient and comfortable for your spouse. Don't approach them right after they walk in the door from a hard day of work or as they try to figure out how to get all the bills paid when the checking account is short.
Second, make sure that you do not phrase things that point a finger or even slightly hint that you are upset or they have done something wrong. This will immediately put their guard up in expectation of a fight.
Third, have your words carefully planned out ahead of time or even read from paper. You want to focus on your thoughts and feelings without accusing them or placing blame. Make it about you and include your feelings for your spouse and how much you love them in there as well.
This is a way to open the door for deeper conversation so that you move beyond the blame and angry accusations and really start to fix your marriage problems before it is too late.
Sabrina Summerfield has been studying marriage problems and relationship issues for the past few years. If you are having marital problems, why don't you check out: Marriage Problems : http://stop-divorce-save-my-marriage.com/marriage-problems.php

When a Husband Ignores You - Use This Simple Method to Get Him to Spend More Time With You

Understanding how your husband is hard wired is very important for the health of your marriage. When your husband ignores you, it is probably not because of the 5 pounds you put on since you were married 5 years ago. You need to understand that most men are not able to multitask like women, so if he is ignoring you, he is more than likely concentrating a larger project.
Right now, the project that your husband is working on is his world. Most men don't dabble in their projects, once it is set in their mind that they are going to do something, they really have at it. All of their efforts are put into completing their project or becoming the best at something; what you need to do is teach your husband to set boundaries between their projects and your marriage.
How are you going to do this? You're not going to nag and demand that he spend time with you because you're sick of your husband ignoring you. You're going to spend some time with him working on his latest project or quest to be the best. In other words you're going to do some "male bonding".
Spending time bonding with your husband in his quest to become the best will allow him to see you as a friend and not an enemy. You will no longer be the obstacle getting in the way of his success and he will be more willing to spend time with you the next time you want to go shopping or scrapbook your latest family vacation.
Bonding with your man will allow the two of you to spend some quality time together like you used to and it's possible that you may find a hobby from the time you are spending with your husband.
Learning how men and women bond differently can make a huge difference when a husband ignores you. For 7 more free tips to get you on the road to a better marriage, visit marriagemap.info.